On Friday 5th June 2020, Chief Executive of Facebook Mark Zukerberg promised that he should review the Social Media Policies that led to its initial decision to not moderate USA President Controversial message.
The issue was initiated when Zukerberg told to all that Facebook would not remove or flag the messages posts by United States President Donald Trump and these messages encourage violence against peoples who are protesting against police racism.
Mark Zukerberg announced his Facebook Social Media Policies review through a letter to Facebook employees after his initial step that he will not remove or flag Donald Trump's messages which encourage violence against protester. Mark Zukerberg trying to cool down the anger of Facebook company's employees.
Social Media Platform Facebook received to much calls to moderate the United States President Donald Trum's comments, recently due to unrest gripping United States of Amrica in the wake of death of George Floyd, a blackman who killed by white Policeman while they caught him.
A software engineer resigned from the company due to this issue of President Trum's controversial messages and Chief Executive response against Trum's messages. Software engineer wrote on his Facebook page that the Social Media Platform " will keep moving the goalposts every time Trum's escalate, finding excuse after excuse not to act on increasingly dangerous rehtoric."
CEO said that he is exploring possible changes on how policy decisions are made at Facebook, along with more ways to advance racial justice and voter engagement.
India is big country, cases may be increase in future.