In India approximately 10,000 new cases reported in only one day on Saturday and overtook Italy and become sixth biggest infected country in the world. Cases sharply increasing after easing in lock down and reopening of Malls, Restaurants & places for worship.
Now India infection cases rises to 236000 and moving very fastly upward in the list of most infected countries in the world.
India's death toll reached at about 6650 due to Corona Virus (Covid-19) which is to much but less then other countries.
Indian Government easing the lock down to save the peoples to die due to hunger & financial crisis and as result of ease in lock down cases now going up very quickly.
The World Health Organization (WHO) told on Friday that due to lock down by Indian Government Corona Cases didn't spread to much but now when government easing it's lock down we are afraid that cases will go up again.
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